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Dispatching with another user using TSCAD

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:51 pm
by David
Since TSCAD has been released some people have mentioned that they are not able to use the DS board if someone else is using TSCAD to dispatch. It is possible for someone who does not have TSCAD to operate a DS board while someone else is dispatching with TSCAD. In order to accomplish this please refer to the guidelines below.
  1. Drop the signal, then throw the switch.
  2. You cannot line a train against an opposing routeing
  3. Don't line a train behind another train if there is less than 1 block between the train and the absolute signal it passed.
Please also remember to use the appropriate DS tags while in TeamSpeak. You can assign them yourself by right clicking on your name and opening the server groups menu.

As always any staff member is more then happy to help if you run into trouble.